By bored - 27/11/2012 18:05 - United States

Today, I've now worked on Thanksgiving, Black Friday, the weekend after that, and two days this week. My husband and son have had all that time off, and yet I've still ended up having to clean the dishes and the house after them on all of these days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 381
You deserved it 5 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments


perdix 29

Don't forget to wipe their asses. Without you around to do it, I'm sure their lazy asses are filling up with dingleberry crust.

Why would they clean up if they know you're going to do it, like you always do. By doing that you allow them to treat you the way that they do

Yes, lets victim-blame some more, shall we?

She is as much to blame as they are. People treat you the way you let them

I would tell them what needs to be done, and if they expect any kind of Christmas cheer this year, that list better be finished before you get off work the next day.

laurapiggy 3
Obey_StudBoii 23
pinkpanther61789 15

I worked 11 hours on black friday (no break), 9 hours saturday (no break) 8 and a half hours sunday (also no break) and am still expected by my mother and grandmother who are both on social security and spend most of the day sleeping, to cook and clean and take care of the animals. yesterday i had enough and blew, i threatened to take my foodstamps and my paycheck which puts the food in their lazy mouths somewhere where it would be appreciated. it worked. its time for you to blow your top. take away ALL of your son's privelages until he starts pulling his weight and contributing to the family and DESERVES them. play the sex card and the job card with your husband no matter how badly it "emasculates him" and until he starts pulling his weight and helping YOU, the BREAD WINNER, and starts showing you respect, he gets nothing. YOU have all the power because you earn the money

How are you getting food stamps if you have so many working hours?

WhisperSoflty 20

It's illegal to work for that many consecutive hours without a break... I'd take that up with your employer.

HooahGal 6

Welcome to the real world. It's called being a mother/wife.

Being a wife and/or mother is a tough, thankless job, but that doesn't mean you should let such blatant disrespect happen.

You could have refused to do it and insisted that they clean up after themselves...

PhannyPack09 8