By owned - 28/04/2009 14:12 - Singapore

Today, I turned 18. My parents gave me a card that read "now that you're 18, it's time for some boozy fun... you can do all the things you did before but legally!" Taped to the inside was my fake id that I "lost" three months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 271
You deserved it 66 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I never understood why people couldn't just wait until 18 to drink/smoke/etc. It's not exactly like waiting until you're 65 to retire. =/

your parents seems to be funny. thumps up!


SamuraiDeli 0

People still use fake IDs? Get more friends.

seriously, I've never used a fake id to drink

lol i was like "...18?" hah then i realized it was a different country

19 - you're an idiot, most provinces have the legal age set at 19 except for 3.

#6.. its 18 in most places in the world and those which arent are 16 or less.. only in the states where kids cant hold their booze is it 21

If I had a fake ID my mother would give it back upside the head and I'd never hear the end of it. Your parents seem cool. Unless of course that was your only present...?

dakrock13 0

i apologize number 6, i guess it was number 5.

19 the only provinces in Canada where the drinking age is 18 are Alberta and Quebec the rest are all 19 that's how you know Alberta and Quebec are the best.

that's why i love living in montreal :)

Ummmm, I do not see how this is an FML. @29: Yes about Quebec, no about Alberta.

30 yes alberta thats where i live and ive been buying alcohol legally and going to bars since my 18th birthday