By Rush Snake - 05/01/2009 03:57 - France

Today, I tried to play with my Wii using the TV remote. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 156
You deserved it 31 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WowLifeDoesSuck 0


hpfan777 0

oh, your life is SO terrible.

... A tv remote looks nothing like a wii remote

1. Why do you have a wii? 2. does your remote have a wrist strap? 3. is your remote white? 4. does your remotoe have flashing blue lights 5. are you mentally retarded? 6. does your remotoe have a button on the back?

christiancookie 0

*you're. Not trying to be a bitch, but if you're gonna call someone stupid then at least use correct grammar.

not an fml -_- now if instead of the tv remote it was ur friends wang i could see it as an fml of course u have a wii though, which also means you have no friends

i think the ppl letting this shit pass was fckin stoned!

wiis not so bad, there are like5 good games, metroid prime for example amazing first person shooter that also combines puzzle and strategy into it, i find it quite clever