By Rush Snake - 05/01/2009 03:57 - France

Today, I tried to play with my Wii using the TV remote. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 156
You deserved it 31 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WowLifeDoesSuck 0


they should change the name of the wii to the ahhh.

MoooMooMooMooMoo 0

Wow. You're life is seriously ******, not even the starving kids in africa would envy you o_o Gtfo whiny little f*g.

I dint think that counts as an fml. it's more of a blonde moment..

lesab734 0

Ya, I agree with 22 lol. this shouldn't have passed

wtf how did this get moderated in this is gay you are a fail dont post anymore.

fml should add a third choice:who cares?