By ilovechickens - 15/04/2012 03:46 - United States

Today, I tried to be kind to animals and get my dad to buy cage-free eggs. When I told him it was dollar more, he started yelling and making a scene in the middle of the store, saying that chickens are ugly and they deserve to suffer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 783
You deserved it 6 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if you're so concerned about it buy them yourself...not to sound harsh but your dad obviously isn't on board

unicornfairy 0

Chickens are not ugly! They are cute.


86, Free range and cage free egg producers still make a successful living. Theres no justification in what you've said, only excuses.

Kurochrome 17

I raised hens with my parents when I was little. I still hate the damn things. I swear, hens are some of THE dumbest creatures on the face of the earth. "Oh, a fox/other carnivorus creature is in our shelter? Lets just stare at it as it eats all of us!" That said, I think free range is better, but hell if I'm paying twice as much for free range when they taste exactly the same.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Maybe you had stupid chickens, but not all of them are like that. Chickens are curious, intelligent, and each have their own different personality. They're not all dumb.

your dad should probably see a pshycologist...

squirrel1215 5

Psychologist* Sorry, I had to. ~Spelling Nazi

No offense op but If your dad is going to be cheap buy your own eggs. But your dad overreacted and his behavior was completely in called for

They aren't here just for our consumption. They have a purpose to consume, reproduce and contribute to an ecosystem just like us.

79 - There's a difference between saying 'I'm going to stick to what I think regardless of what others say' at the start of a discussion prior to hearing anyone else's arguments, and stating it at the end of one to conclude your thoughts. The former would come from a very simpleminded person, much like you've described. The latter (what 67 did) simply means that the arguments made within the discussion weren't compelling enough to move the person to change their viewpoint. Which is not the same as 'I don't listen to reason from others, logic and knowledge have no place in my life'.

As past chicken owners, chickens aren't ugly, and they shouldn't have to suffer. they are great pets; hey free eggs!

Wow, it's kind of sad that you took my statement at face value.