By j0j0 - 19/11/2008 03:44 - France

Today, I tried demonstrate to my little brother that, unlike what he sees in cartoons, it is impossible to slip on a banana peel. I'm not too sure he's convinced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 032
You deserved it 36 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

_Vereo_ 0

I didn't believe it when I was younger either. So I took matters into my own hands and conveniently placed one in the school courtyard..and a kid proceeded to slip on it. It's real, hahah.

Don't doubt it! I live in Toronto, and I was walking down the street talking to my friend, and I actually slipped on one... hahah


My son thought this too! For months he would leave banana peels all over the house trying to make us trip! They must watch the same cartoons!

pingpongpickle 8

yeah pretty much lol. and op, soon your son will be falling off cliffs thinking he will survive. FYL

They proved it on mythbusters too. while the odds are slim, you can in fact slip on a banana peel (see episode "Double Dip, Banana Slip")

Chocolate_Chunk 2
taleeeeeen 0

My Spanish teacher once wanted to try it out. He had to grab the board and his podium to stay up. This all went down in the middle of class. -.-

I hope that accomplished exactly what you wanted it too.

Don't doubt it! I live in Toronto, and I was walking down the street talking to my friend, and I actually slipped on one... hahah

effffyourlife_ 0

yeah. I'm pretty sure you can.

_Vereo_ 0

I didn't believe it when I was younger either. So I took matters into my own hands and conveniently placed one in the school courtyard..and a kid proceeded to slip on it. It's real, hahah.

haha the mere image of someone slipping on a banana is funny to me ;)

What would've made it worse if OP had fallen in front of the brother during said demonstration.

naw, i really have before. it's just not.. likely.

One time my sister and I tried to prove that. My dad walked into the kitchen to find banana peels all over the place. He was not happy. Not happy at all.

MoroseMoose 47

Did you at least eat all those poor naked bananas?

L_cam 0

oh it most certainly does happen.. twice to me actually. you'd be surprised how slippery they can be on concrete

Yeah, once I went to get out of my car in a parking lot. As I put my foot down I nearly fall into a split position (painful, as I am not *that* limber). I looked down at what I skidded on, praying it wasn't dog poop or something similar. I burst out laughing when I saw it was the old cartoon standby of a banana peel.

pommeblossom 0

When I was 2, my mom was buying tickets at a train station. I was about 3 yards away from the door when I decided I wanted mommy. So I ran towards her and slipped on the banana peel that was right in front of me. I bruised my head really badly. I still have a rather large bump there, even today. It's been over a decade.

ok, i was watching some losers at my school when they found a banana peel in front of the science block. The leader decided that he could ride the peel like a skateboard. I believe he lost 5 teeth.