By Casey - 11/06/2009 12:59 - France

Today, I took a test as part of a job requirement. I took a sip from a bottle of juice, and the lady leading the test gave me a warning. I tried to explain that if I didn't, I would faint. She took the bottle and hid it. 15 minutes later I collapsed. She thought I was faking. I'm hypoglycemic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 242
You deserved it 4 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. One on hand, you really should have said "I'm hypoglycemic," instead of just saying that you would faint. But on the other.. Taking juice away on a job test from somebody that claims that they'd faint... She should be getting in trouble for that. Hope you got the job!

crowdish 0

wtf? what a bitch! well maybe now they'll give you the job because they feel so bad. that is if you still want it!


Vampire_princess 0

Yeah you should have spoken up more, and said that you were hypoglycemic. Still shitty though FYL

toaster468 0

"tried to explain" sounds like he did, read it before hitting YDI

suaveneanderthal 0

lol sounds like you arn't getting the job!!

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Yeah, hypoglycemia is LOW-blood sugar, so staying AWAY from sugar... not the best course of action there.

No you don't. You obviously don't even know what hypoglycemia is. It is LOW blood sugar. Avoiding sugar is a good way to pass out. Plus it is impossible to avoid sugar altogether. Get your facts straight.

I'm hypoglycemic as well. The only way I knew was because I passed out at work. What affects you doesn't affect everyone else the same way.

what a bitch! but why didn't you told her you're a hypoglycemic?

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yeah but this was probably a stressful situation, which would have made it worse

Everyone reacts differently to different things, even with the same condition

And maybe it had been a while since OP ate. My high school best friend was hypoglycemic, and she would be fine one minute, then drop. After that she had 15-20 minutes to get food/drink.