By wtfmom - 07/10/2014 21:10 - United States - Clanton

Today, I told my mom that I got into National Honor Society and Beta Club. Most parents are proud but not her. She told me to get a job and that she was tired of my school shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 397
You deserved it 2 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Feel sorry for you OP. Congratulations though ;) Good luck

She's just a jealous egoistic stupid person. I'm truly sorry for you.


Wow awesome parent FAIL! Stay in school get a better job.... Sorry to hear that! Congrats on your hard work though those some tough classes!

Congrats! You have our appreciation...your mom hopefully will realize what an achievement that is

It's disappointing when the people you should be closest to, that should be the happiest for you and celebrate with you, are actually the exact opposit. You'll meet people in the future that love you and will celebrate all life offers you. Never lose hope.

Well, how many years have you been in school. I could understand her frustration if this were my brother posting, as he's been in college for nearly 10 years and still doesn't have his bachelor degree.

gameover18 17

She's not wrong. The number of graduates that either can't get jobs or get jobs completely unrelated to anything they've studied is going up every year. Mathematically, you're better off just getting a decent job that requires high school and not having debt.

Just_a_student 2

This may come as a surprise but some people like school and want a higher education for more than just getting a 'good' job. There is nothing wrong with wanting and pursuing your education and it's possible to do so without debt. Harder but possible.

PhantomFollower 20

I know how difficult getting into National Honor Society can be, OP. We're proud of you.

Just_a_student 2

My mom told me the same thing OP, don't listen to her. My mom told me to drop our of high school after my dad died, (I didn't) and once when i brought up college she told me to "get over that school shit" and encouraged me to get a job at McDonalds because "You're smart, you'd be manager within a year." Some people want others to fail to make themselves seem better by comparison.