By notamathematician - 07/03/2010 10:27 - United States

Today, I told my mom I was 3 months pregnant, expecting her to be happy. Instead, she screamed that I was no longer her daughter and she never wanted to see me again before throwing me out of her house, because I got pregnant out of wedlock. Nice math mom. I've been married for 5 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 625
You deserved it 2 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Expertfail 0

I'd be glad in that situation. You can point out her errors and show her to be the moron she is....

Horney4her69 0

why are you getting married and having kids if you still live with your mom. you're an idiot.

saywaturcoco 0

maybe u nvr invited her to ur wedding!

gigi_bella 0

Where the hell has she been for the past few months?

cater2U 0

how does math have anything to do with this situation?

Maybe she was just visiting and her mom made her leave. OP, let your mom figure it out in 6 months.

Logic fail. 3 months pregnant, 5 months married. Subtraction works best here.

#35 she meant thrown out because she was visiting there and then her mom made her leave

dance_till_dawn 0

It doesn't say she lives with her mom, idiot. it says she got thrown out of her mom's house. The OP could have been visiting her mom to tell her the happy news.

#44 mom thought that the op got pregnant before marriage.. but if op is 3 months preggers and 5 months married than obviously she didn't get pregnant before marriage @ Op sucks but if your mom is like that now you don't really need her in your child's life

dance_till_dawn 0

Ummmm, because her mom said she got pregnant out of wedlock but the OP conceived two months AFTER marriage. Idiot!

MissRachieee 3

#35 She says throws out of HER house. She probably went to her mom's house to tell her and her mom kicked her out of her house.

Jonashonorxolove 0

#44, she's 5 months married, but 3 months pregnant. So, this means that she got pregnant two months into the marriage, but her mom didn't see that.

...if she had gotten married two months ago, and was three months pregnant....

Well she wouldn't be married if she sill lives with her mum wouldn't she? darh!

...or your mother poked holes in his condoms so that she could frame you to kick you out of the house...duhhh :-P

janise 2

@ Horney4her69: It's funny you're calling someone else an idiot when you obviously have little to no reading comprehension. The OP never said she was living with her mom. She most likely went to her mom's house for a visit to share her news of being pregnant and her mom got mad and told her to get out.

ravensunnyd 0

5 months of being married - three months of being pregnant=2 months after being married before getting pregnant.

#87: That is self-explainatory: "wed" lock? If you still don't get it then wedlock is the concept of being married. -_- And OP, I think your mom has schizophrenia and alzheimer's all rolled into one. Either way, this has got to be the funniest FML in a while.


Maybe she was just visiting her mom? And after hearing it, her mom just threw her out of the house.

I know, right? Even if you somehow misunderstood the FML, read the comments! I always do just in case I missed something, so I don't sound like an idiot when I comment.

she didn't say that she lived with her mom stupid ass, she said that she got thrown out of her house. Man I can't believe how many people can't form basic logic in their brains.

dbjb40 0

I think people in comas are smarter then that FYL

ashlynn610 12

It only says that it is "her house." Dumbass.

shinyred 0

Actually many people get married and still live with a parent if they get married young or can't afford to live somewhere else.

lovindepp 0

well obviously her mom thought she got pregnant BEFORE the wedding but she is 3 months pregnant and has been married 5 months. 3 is less than 5 that's where the math comes in. OP: why are you living with your mom if you're married?

doesn't it just mean she had sex out of wedlock?

35: She never said she was living with her mom-her mom might've just banned her from visiting.

has the mother doneher math she would've known that her daughter became pregnant 2 months after her wedding. 5-3=2

Why do you assume that she's living with her mom rather than just visiting as most of us did? You're an idiot.

wait so your married and live with your mom? fake

it said she was at her mom's house, not living at her mom's house.

idiot 2 months after she was married she got prego.

cater2U 0

51 do you need a tampon or something because I can tell you're on your period. don't be such a butthole I asked a question and didn't deserve a bitch answer.

Tomaino 3

Nowhere in her post does it say she lives with her mom.

XScarlet 4

Let's break it down here... her mom was upset because thought that her daughter became pregnant "out of wedlock"... meaning she wasn't married. She has been married for 5 months, she is 3 months pregnant... Which means she was married for 2 months before she got pregnant (that's derived from... oh!! MATH!).

pyrodude185 0

Just a thought...maybe she went over to her mother's house to tell her the news. You can be thrown out of a house you don't live in...

sounds like you and your kids are better off without "grandma" around anyway. Make sure she never sees them, except when other family members show her pictures.

benny2465 0

35 who says she wasn't visiting?

i8thelastcookeii 0

five months married, three months pregnant, crazy bitch mom, subtract 5-3=2!! yay! you did math! she got pregnant 2 months after marriage, therefor not being wedlock.

haha totally does u should hav gotten all moody and slapped her

HamsteronA 0

so is justin beiber. crazy over masturbation ****

Damn...your mom sounds like a bitch (sorry) good luck with everything.

KVKdragon 26

is she delusional or what? what the heck is all I can say. sorry that happened

Sun_Kissed18 25

Maybe she was just in shock, let her process it and then calmly talk to her again

spartan_girl 0

that was my first thought too, sun_kissed18. Especially if it wasn't really a planned baby, or if OP's mom didn't know they were trying to have a kid. My mom would probably be pretty shocked if I got pregnant right now, even though I'm married, because she knows we aren't financially ready for a kid yet. OP-that really sucks, but congrats, and good luck with your pregnancy. Hopefully your mom will calm down and be happy for you soon!

Chelser 0

did you bother to remind her of this and make her feel like a moron? i totally would have

MiniJenny_fml 0

Wow! Did she miss the wedding?

Dwight_A_R_Manag 0

Religion is wrong. Who cares what she thinks F your moms L

denbeste 3

^BEST. COMMENT. EVER!^ Religion sucks ass.

@13 Its when u get pregnant before you get married, chief

adrianna4ever 0

when ur married. so that makes it "ok" to have a baby in most religons

HamsteronA 0

thanks. and op your mum is pysco. big timet

dance_till_dawn 0

#25? Ummm, wedlock is just being married. If you are pregnant out of wedlock, it just means you are not married.