By booyouwhoree - 03/03/2009 20:49 - United States

Today, I told my friend I hadn't had a period in 5 months. She asked me if I was pregnant. When I asked her if I looked 5 months pregnant, she replied, "Is that supposed to be a trick question?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 840
You deserved it 18 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tyler1 0

OMG I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM! i haven't my period in 15 YEARS! then again im a 15 year old guy..

well, do you have any idea as to why you wouldn't be getting your period for 5 months straight if you weren't? mine skips for like two months if i'm stressed but that's about it.


Ummm I think the point is that you told someone you were 5 months late, they asked the most obvious question imaginable, and then you got offended.... Although there are other explanations of course, I really don't see how that could possibly be offensive to ask - it's the most likely explanation unless you've been completely celibate which she couldn't possibly know. What would you expect her to say?

WOW. you're stupid. if you havent had a period in 5 months...YOU ARE PREGNANT. omg.

kyrspark 0

its time for you to hit the treadmill or a few diet pills. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO.lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO.lmAO.lmAO. lmAO. lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO. lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO.lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO.lmAO.lmAO. lmAO. lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO. lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO. lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.lmAO.

**** this site, my comments get moderated when they are completely appropriate and not at all offensive. But stupid, ******* comments like this one that I am replying to, are all over this site and don't get moderated? Apparently me replying to an FML stating it's not so much karma as it is just a short awkward confrontation is utterly offensive but this comment is not. I REALLY would like to know who is moderating my comments because IMO you are doing a terrible job. It's like the cops that wait behind a bush to give a ticket to people that make a right hand turn at a light before 7 PM on weekdays. Instead of you know being out and about looking for real crime? Like those drunk drivers, idiots that run red lights causing major accidents, robberies or whatever else. Probably going to moderate this comment again but whatever.

Its creepy that number seven has a pic of a big fat guy hugging a dog. Seductively.. Plus he calls himself a gyno. Im scared

moonglow93 4

haha dam well 5 moths is not that big lol

zoezola 0

she probably wasnt referring to your weight. most likely she was confused about what, other than pregnancy, would cause you to not have your period.

fogrunner 13

Why the hell would you wait 5 months before doing anything about it?! Dick

I waited 10 months before doing anything about my issue (opposite issue OP has). Reason why is because my family never talks about that kind of thing. Maybe she was embarrassed?

I stopped getting my period a few month before some important exams. I wouldn't have gone to a doctor because I was soooo glad it was gone and I had a few months without pain and vomiting and fainting (it's not that bad anymore nowadays). But after four months my mum decided that it wasn't healthy and dragged me to the doctor. He prescribed some drugs and my mum bought them on the way home. Never took any of them as a few minutes after arriving home my body decided that it wasn't stressed anymore.