Work > Love

By Anonymous - 04/10/2021 02:01 - Australia - Perth

Today, four months after my crush told me he liked me, a day ago he told me he’d lose his job if he dates me, so he's now blocked me and avoids me when we work together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 924
You deserved it 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How come you're not aware of the fraternization policy at your workplace? Four months ago he liked you, but suddenly you're forbidden fruit? Sounds like bs to me.


There are other jobs he could have taken or looked for…but in this case a better person for you…

bluntaf 3

you are an option to him. walk away before you invest more time into it.

How come you're not aware of the fraternization policy at your workplace? Four months ago he liked you, but suddenly you're forbidden fruit? Sounds like bs to me.