By journey_Jeanne - 08/12/2011 02:31 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend I was ovulating. He said he didn't want to have sex because he was afraid of getting eggs on his penis. He then compared it to having sex with a fish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 024
You deserved it 5 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

make some dinner with fish eggs and say "damn got my eggs in the food AGAIN"

Haha weird boyfriend...obviously doesn't know a ton about female anatomy...


butterflyz1961 2

Why would you tell him that in the first place?

I can think of 3 reasons. 1. Many women get extremely horny when they are ovulating. "Fasten seatbelts, you're in for a ride!" 2. They are trying for a baby. "All aboard! Leave your raincoat at the door." 3. They are not. "Keep your raincoat on. Failing that, please exit when the train is going full tilt (always risky). Or ride in the caboose."

WoW. How old is your boy friend?! That's an immature, insensitive way to react Hun. I suggest you cross your legs and say you're eternally out of business. In the mean time finding yourself a MAN. A real one.