Who talks to you like that at work?

By marie - 28/03/2021 11:02

Today, I decided to listen to some music at work, so I plugged in my headphones and turned on Spotify. Only the music decided to play out loud instead. I was called a “disrespectful little bitch who wasn’t raised right” for not using my headphones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 913
You deserved it 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DrSamba1 8

That happened to me once or twice at work. I thought my Bluetooth headset was connected when it wasn't, and my co-workers got to sample my unique taste in music or NPR broadcasts.

Wow, what the hell is wrong with your colleagues? It's one thing to get annoyed that music comes out, but to call you a disrespectful little bitch because your headphones weren't connected all the way? Sheesh.


DrSamba1 8

That happened to me once or twice at work. I thought my Bluetooth headset was connected when it wasn't, and my co-workers got to sample my unique taste in music or NPR broadcasts.

Wow, what the hell is wrong with your colleagues? It's one thing to get annoyed that music comes out, but to call you a disrespectful little bitch because your headphones weren't connected all the way? Sheesh.