By Anonymous - 06/03/2012 19:54 - United States

Today, I thought I was home alone, so I started singing to my cat. After a half hour of this, I finally stopped. Then I heard applauding. I turned around to find my parents standing in my doorway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 642
You deserved it 22 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

scarletscarface 10

that must have been awkward :)

I hope it wasn't sarcastic applause. If it was your parents are just mean.


julialinn 2

At least you didn't tell your cat all of your secrets.

ThecomingofTan 9

" Thank you for that wonderful applause. I'd like to thank my mom and dad, Jacques Cousteau, that guy who gropes me in City Hall, and Bank of America for finally making me join their Nazi regime. Now where is my goddamn award"?

PRpandaz 6

Why would you spend a half hour singing to your cat?

Looks like your audience enjoyed your performance!