By BURGERT0WN USA - 10/01/2016 19:46 - United States - Redmond
Same thing different taste
By Saberwolf - 13/02/2011 21:14 - United States
Nice try
By Anonymous - 11/06/2022 22:00
A tale as old as time
By Anonymous - 04/06/2023 04:00 - United States - Miami Beach
Nice try
By Anonymous - 05/10/2014 17:29 - United States - Kent
By FriendsZone - 15/05/2012 20:44 - United States
By tacoboy - 21/08/2009 08:06 - United States
By Charon - 09/10/2009 22:11 - United States
By Noname - 30/12/2008 16:53 - Australia
By jgboy - 14/09/2014 15:32 - United States - Franklin Park
By horribletimeeverywhere74747 - 11/04/2018 13:00 - United States - Navarre
Top comments
Sorry op, but really you don't have to... Find someone who respects you!
I had that exact thing happen to me twice. Once at homecoming and once at prom. Different girls, but as soon as we got in the door they took off to go dance with their friends and basically pushed me away from the group
She was honest, so I'd say all she gets is a ride. As she has zero intention of even being friends, then you don't owe her the ticket and meal. I really don't get why anyone would do this to someone.
High School...High School never changes.
Or tell her you aren't feeling this dance with her and don't pay for her.
You most certainly don't have to for someone who won't appreciate it
I would rather go alone than with a fake b*tch
But she's not just saying she's not interested and using him, she's saying she doesn't even want to be friends. So ya, she's pretty awful in my opinion. Op, I'd go alone if I were you. As someone else already said, chances are she'll leave you and go dance with her friends and hang out with them all night and completely ignore you. If she has this lack of regard for your feelings now it's not like she's going to be any nicer during the dance. Get out while you can.
Don't take her! It sounds like she just wants a date.
You don't say?
Fight me.
Alpha fish I thought it was a little funny. But I agree with 5, this girl is obviously just using this guy. Not his fault he is a beta male. OP don't succumb to a girl like that.
Here's a thought, ditch the witch. No guy deserves someone like that op.
dude... just don't take her. that simple.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayYou must be a girl. What a stupid advice.
Experience in treating a girl that has no interest in you as a human being?It isn't break up after, it's to stop being friends.
#30, please treat my two statements separately. I did not imply that girls are stupid. I just could not fathom a guy to advise to go through self-humiliation like this. Hence I made guess.
here is what most likely will happen if he takes her. He goes to pick her up awkward conversation the whole way or silence. or she will do what some girls do when its awkward in a car... "oh I love this song!" *cranks the volume up too high to talk over* then they get to dinner. if it's just them it will be very awkward if it's with a group she will 100% ignore him unless a friend comments on how good he looks. then she will be all over him. he will either have to sit and be ignored by her friends or hopefully he is friends with some of the guys. at the dance he can either stalk her the whole time which will end up in a fight where the line "I know you're like in love with me or something but ...." will be said. or he can not talk to her for the rest of the evening. probs not do any couple dances. and overall have a shitty time at an event that overall cost him about $200.00. that is how a snide greedy bitch works. So OP is better off telling her to suck a hard one and finding another date. idky you'd suggest him just stick it out to learn how to handle it next time... handle it the right way now and kick that girl to the curb.

Or tell her you aren't feeling this dance with her and don't pay for her.
Sorry op, but really you don't have to... Find someone who respects you!