By anonymous - 21/05/2010 17:26 - United States

Today, I swerved to avoid running over a dead cat in the road. Instead, I ran over its head. The crack of its skull was loud enough for me to hear it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 358
You deserved it 8 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I accidentally ran over a cat once. It was a snow white cat. I heard it's bones crunch, and when I looked back to assess the damage, the snow white cat walked away. Still snow white. No blood, no limp. Like I never ran it over. I like to call it "The Ghost Cat".

mama2b3 20

omg!! thats the worst thing i've ever heard! :'(


blahblahassholes 0

crackkckkckck. too bad it didnt get a chance to scream *MEOW!* dont wory one time i stepped on my hamster while trying not to step on a dead bug. i had a bloody foot, you got lucky and probably ran over a stray cat that no one cared about. plus, no bloody foot for you

ThatLooksSticky 16

Ahhhhh! ::covers ears:: Uuugh! Stop! I'm going to vomit!

good job. who cares. it was an accident pray it off or something

omg, same happened to me yesterday.. except i didn't crack its scull open i think. it was just a very loud bump. had to think about it all day :|

only a bunch of decaying tissue and bone. no life, so no reason to worry about it

dugumit 0
varkey 7

holy shit, that is so ******* horrible FYL OP

Omg :O poor you !! that happen to me only I was waiting for a bustop and I saw a dead cat beside the sidewalk then the bus ran over it and the intestine came out of it's ass X( MOST horrible gruesom thing ever! 0_0 and I almost barf whenever I think about that dead cat wow fml XD

superman21_fml 19 was already dead. fyl anyway