By IvyBlackeyes - 29/08/2018 01:30

Today, I sprained my ankle at dance class. No, I wasn't dancing when I did it. I was trying to step off from a small mat so I could go home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 482
You deserved it 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’ve heard they have nice flower decorating and jigsaw puzzle classes. Hardly anyone ever gets hurt.

Mats can be really slippery. I hear they work for the Trump Administration.


Mats can be really slippery. I hear they work for the Trump Administration.

indienerdgirl 27

That sucks OP. I've done the same so often my best friend says I like to kiss the sidewalk lol. 😂 Hope your ankle heals quickly!

I’ve heard they have nice flower decorating and jigsaw puzzle classes. Hardly anyone ever gets hurt.

Don't feel bad op, I've done it stepping on a ramp to leave dance class. Get better soon :)

Next time dance off mate since walking doesn't work 😆