By Anonymous - 23/04/2009 02:22 - United States

Today, I spotted one of my friends using the ATM outside our school's university center. I crept up behind him, grabbed his shoulders abruptly, and shouted in my best deep man-voice, "Give me all your money!" Turned out to be a poor, unsuspecting freshman. He gave me his money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 915
You deserved it 74 246

Same thing different taste

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Today, I was withdrawing money from an ATM at my new school, when a guy came up behind me and demanded my money. I gave it to him, thinking he had a weapon. Later, I saw that not only had he posted on, but he said f HIS life! FML


_mcs_ 0

You robbed someone and YOU'RE the one who posted this on FML? This is messed up.

lol @ 14. UCSB? sounds like a place where that would happen...

cyxx 0

Holy crap you guys CHILL OUT. It was just a joke gone wrong. Look at posts #26 and 29. SHE GAVE THE MONEY BACK - of course she didn't actually rob him.

wht do ya mean FYL ? u just made some extra cash boi not bad for a days work :P

Shelly6923 0

haha nice how much did ya get?? lol

If you gave the money back then this is AWESOME! If you didn't then it's a little less cool.

Okay I just skimmed over the posts before posting my comment but I just saw that she gave the money back, so this is awesome! And yeah I'd be embarrassed too but in a couple of months it will be a hilarious story to tell at parties and you gave that kid an experience he'll probably remember for the rest of his life. :)