By Anonymous - 23/04/2009 02:22 - United States

Today, I spotted one of my friends using the ATM outside our school's university center. I crept up behind him, grabbed his shoulders abruptly, and shouted in my best deep man-voice, "Give me all your money!" Turned out to be a poor, unsuspecting freshman. He gave me his money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 915
You deserved it 74 245

Same thing different taste

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Today, I was withdrawing money from an ATM at my new school, when a guy came up behind me and demanded my money. I gave it to him, thinking he had a weapon. Later, I saw that not only had he posted on, but he said f HIS life! FML


906dboy 0

thats awesome, but deffinetely not worthy of FML. efff HIS life for bein a ****** pussy. fyi, i wouldve never given you my money, i would've turned around with the meanest left hook you'd ever ****** feel. BTW, i agree with # 127, then maybe invite the little pussy frosh and smoke him uuup

Oriina 0

**** YOUR life? I hope you at least gave back his money. And for the people saying the freshman should've beaten up the OP, what if the OP/actually/ had a gun point-blank on that freshmen's back or something? Punching the assailant in the eye or trying to attack and more than likely you might get shot, stabbed, or worse. Didn't you know you're just supposed to give thieves whatever they want when you're jumped/mugged like that? That's what I was taught ... but eh. Just my thoughts.

hcoxo134 0

well it's not really your fault, but that is kinda sad :( poor freshman lol. did u at least tell him you were sorry and gave back the money?

aelder11 0

ATMS have built-in cameras or cameras nearby. your joke was not funny. you= going to jail= FAIL