By Ages ago - 08/05/2019 10:00 - Poland - Warsaw

Today, two guys robbed me. As I wrestled them on the ground, my best friend just stood next to all this, telling me to give them the money already, or we'd be late for school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 978
You deserved it 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Two attackers, two potential victims, but they chose just you. And your friend isn’t helping, running, or doing anything but saying give up the money. If they never touched your friend, I’d seriously wonder if he’s in on it.

Yeah, forget about all that grab-ass and get to school!


Yeah, forget about all that grab-ass and get to school!

Two attackers, two potential victims, but they chose just you. And your friend isn’t helping, running, or doing anything but saying give up the money. If they never touched your friend, I’d seriously wonder if he’s in on it.

It’s too bad you don’t live in a country where the people have the freedom to bear arms. If you did, the robbers would have robbed you at gunpoint and had your money in 10 seconds. No muss, no fuss. Your clothes stay clean and you get to school on time. (Cue up Lee Greenwood.)

Sounds more like... no friends & 3 thieves.

bitlol 4

Sounds like my friend would do something like that...

Trinity Fenwick 7
tounces7 27

Did your friend know how much money you were carrying beforehand?

WeirdUS 29

Even professionals will tell you if they have a weapon it's beter to give up your wallet than risk your life.