By LNamesOnly - 09/07/2012 07:31 - Australia

Today, I spoke to my hormonal pregnant wife about baby names. I told her I liked the name "Tabitha", and she went into a full rage about how all letters have textures, colours and emotions and how T is an evil letter. Apparently it's orange, plastic, and a needle trying to stab her eyes out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 658
You deserved it 4 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I recently discovered a kind of 'disease' where the people who have it connect letters and/or numbers with colours. Let me Google it... Synesthesia, that's the one.

Its just the hormones, nothin to worry about


that is not preggy hormones ur wife is just a nutbar

waffles38 5

Sounds like your wife has synesthesia.

If you think about it, they do have colours and textures... So do numbers and Days of the Week, and Months... I was little once, and some of those RANDOM thoughts still stick with me... Really, just think about them... Also, Music does too... It also has a moving landscape thing and other things... I'm not weird!!! Don't be Hatin'!!!!!!

No, this is not hormones or a crazy lady. This is called synesthesia. It is a mental condition in which letters, colors, numbers, and words have personalities or traits. Take this seriously, don't blow it off as the pregnancy speaking. It it treatable through therapy as one method and I believe there are others. I have researched this topic throughly for school papers and such.

It is not a serious condition nor is it in the DSM as an illness. Chill out.

hateevryone 14

That's the hormones talking.

It might sound like a psychotic hormonal break, but your wife just has synesthesia. It's a strange condition where sensory characteristics are mixed up in a person's brain and they end up tasting sounds, hearing colors, and seeing smells. My cousin has it--every letter has its own color, and she says it's hard to read because she gets distracted by the pretty colors she's visualizing. I have it mildly; I associate months with colors. January is ice blue, February is pink, March is brown, April is a dark primrose, May is bright green, June is yellow, July is bright orange, August is burnt orange, September is burnt sienna, October is black, November is dark red, and December is forest green. Don't ask. Anyway, OP, that's what your wife has, and the pregnancy hormones made her flip out when you suggested a name that had a bad connotation.

baconandkittens 10

I have it too! I associate numbers with emotions. But yours is really cool. ^^

This synthesia thing sounds amazing, I wish I had it ¬.¬ I think my boyfriend might have it actually.. he tastes smells. I found this out when we were walking along and the smell of drains came close to making him throw up everywhere because he could taste them. I think I'd rather have the colour-letter version if I'm honest xD

theres a diffrance between hormones and crazy. That's crazy.

P.S Tabitha is a beautiful name. I don't see violent stabbing needles or whatever your wife saw in the T

cheyenne116 1

My name is tabitha and if anything tabitha is a witch name but pretty and not a lot of ppl have that name