By fmlfmlfml - 10/07/2009 05:27 - Canada

Today, I snuck into my brother's room to scare him. Just as I was about to go for it, his girlfriend calls. I had to sit there motionless listening to my brother having phone sex, then wait for him to go to sleep and sneak back out to pretend it never happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 880
You deserved it 60 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rookie! Imagine how it would have scared him if you had made yourself noticed WHILE he was having phone sex. You passed the chance of a lifetime out of cowardice :P

Fuck_The_Police 0

Lol it would have been awsome if you scared him during phone sex


bandit09 0

if i walked in on my sister having phone sex i would of thrown up....ruining the whole damn nasty ass conversation LMAO

testing_fml 0

Muahahahahaha! Woman, I can't stop laughing. That's the most extreme case of over-punishment I've ever read here on FML. Guess you won't try to scare your brother again the next few days..? or weeks? Or in your whole life? :-D

NarutardTobi 0

That is just awkward... and your mind must hurt so bad

LavaMonster 0

Why didn't you just get out once you realized what was happening?

oxjackiixo 0

lmfao omgg. that would suck so much.. haha ALTHOUGH. you could have used it to your advantage. and made fun of him for it :P

It would be funny if you did scare him, and then he might let off a squeal or something. and to top it off his girlfriend would tell him that was the fastest sex she had ever had. :D

You should of grabbed his legs and pulled him down so he falls and his girlfriend hear's him scream like a little girl. XD

Haha lol! Laughing fit from this! Sorry, your probably scared for life. Why didn't you jump out!!!!!!