By fmlfmlfml - 10/07/2009 05:27 - Canada

Today, I snuck into my brother's room to scare him. Just as I was about to go for it, his girlfriend calls. I had to sit there motionless listening to my brother having phone sex, then wait for him to go to sleep and sneak back out to pretend it never happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 880
You deserved it 60 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rookie! Imagine how it would have scared him if you had made yourself noticed WHILE he was having phone sex. You passed the chance of a lifetime out of cowardice :P

Fuck_The_Police 0

Lol it would have been awsome if you scared him during phone sex


it would have been funnier to scare him halfway through :p

thatnewgirl 16

should have jumped up while he was having phone sex lolz that would have made it great! screaming like a little girl that he got caught

Should have scared him while he was in the phone - it may have been funnier. However that's not a nice thing to do.