By lylethomes15 - 21/04/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I brought my dog to the vet for a routine surgery. The vets assured me that no dog had ever died during this procedure. Apparently my dog was the first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 733
You deserved it 5 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So sorry. They should at least pay for a new puppy.


FreakingFYou 13

I agree. surgery isn't routine.

So sorry. They should at least pay for a new puppy.

The only problem is, a new puppy won't be the same puppy. Yeah, I'm sure OP would grow to love it, but you really can't replace a pet :(

lolajelly 0

I've never heard of a routine surgery... unless it was like neutering/spaying.

jellycorn 13

Exactly what I was thinking

alliewillie 22

Exactly. And even then they couldn't have promised you "no dog has ever died" during it. Just like us they can have reactions to anesthesia, underlying conditions, etc. No Matter how routine there are ALWAYS risks.

Im so sorry:( But is also sad is theres so far 6 people who think you deserve this..what complete morons. No one needs something they love to die, noone.

OMG! i would sue their ASS! R.I.P doggy! ='[

I wonder what kind of procedure it was.

Cantabguy 0

No dog ever? That's rather a foolish claim for your vet to make, as even the most minor procedures have some risk of death as long as they involve anaesthesia. Even if he was only claiming that no dog he had performed this procedure on had died, it is still not a wise thing to say. My condolences for your loss.

twilax101 0

oh mi gosh. that stinks. not really FYL, more like FthevetsL. Get a new dog!! and a new vet... lol.

Sum_Dum_Bum 0

I'm really sorry to hear that. I think this is one occasion where "Sue the bastards!" should apply.