By Anonymous - 29/10/2010 23:53 - United States

Today, I sent the girl I like a Twinkie with a note saying "Enjoy! You deserve it". I found out later through an angry email that someone had written "you damn fatty" on the end of the note. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 176
You deserved it 6 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ducks4life11 0

why would u send a twinkie to a girl u like? Thats just as bad as calling her a fatty!

To be fair though, buying a girl a Twinkie just says "I can tell you like baked goods you fat ass" FYL


who sends a girl they like a Twinkie? haha next time maybe a rose :) or something that won't make her gain like 500 calories :p haha anyway sux for you OP

mrsfunke 0

who the **** sends someone a Twinkie? are you like 10? I mean if you're in like 3rd or 4th grade it's acceptable, but any older and you should know to be a bit more classy....even my 5th grade "boyfriend" knew to get me a little chocolate box on valentines day.

If fatty got angry at the "fatty" comment, it must have been true.

Holy pancake-**** that is amazing. Ten internets to them!

why would you send a girl a Twinkie?! use your head think about what us girls would actually like.. not food! unless it's chocolate ;)

A twinkie? Next time just punch her in the face right away she'll like you more.

i think giving a twinkie is absolute inuendo ... it's long, round, and when she puts it in her mouth, white stuff comes out. doesn't get any more to the point than that. op, fyl indeed.