By Hank - 14/05/2009 14:17 - Canada

Today, I scored two prime baseball tickets from a supplier at work. I phoned my dad to tell him the good news. He said that's great, my brother and him would love to see the game. I said, no, I'm taking you to the game. He told me I was being selfish and hung up the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 775
You deserved it 3 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments's a bit messed up. You were thinking of him and he calls you selfish for it?


How in the hell does that make you selfish? I mean, all you wanted to do was spend some quality time with your dad. Plus, you won the tickets, why should he assume that your giving both of them away? Unless he thought you hated baseball or your brother is never around and the game happens to be on the one day he's actually in town or something of that nature, it is selfish of the father for him to automatically assume he is going and he can take whoever he wants. Unless your brother never ever is home (ie overseas and whatnot) you should go with out your dad if he's gonna be like that. Take your mom instead lol.

xxjohnx5 - Cool. So if we employ your train of thought, you are an incredibly selfish human being for not giving all your food, clothes and money to anyone who asks for them. Why should you enjoy something rightfully yours when someone else wants it more?! If some guy should come up and ask you for some of your pizza, you'd better hand the whole thing over so he can split it with his mates - I'm sure he'd rather eat it with them than with you, and I can't imagine how selfish you would have to be to reject him and expect to keep some of it for yourself. What a world, what a world. OP - Sorry man, I laughed heaps when I read this. I can see how he might have originally misunderstood and thought you were offering the tickets as opposed to offering to take him (maybe your bro likes the game more than you or something), but his response to the correction makes him a ********. Take someone considerably more awesome and have a blast.

Wow your dad's a jerk... It's one thing that he thought he was getting both tickets and could bring anyone else he wanted - but another thing entirely that he would choose to bring your brother and not you.

Judgeymcjudge, if all of my food money and clothes were given to me for free, i would give them to someone if they asked for it because thats the kind of generous person i am, and everyone esle should be. But apparently im selfish and the scum of the earth for thinking that way...

xxjohnx5 - Well what are you doing sitting around wasting time on the internet?! SOMEBODY ELSE MIGHT NEED THE COMPUTER!!!

QueenOfMelodrama 0

OP = Original Poster LOLWTF?! They're YOUR tickets. I would just tell him "I'm the one with tickets. I'm willing to take you if you want to come with me. If you don't, I'll ask my brother, and I'll go with him." That way it basically spells it out for him that they're YOUR tickets and you're being generous by offering to take him. If he can't get that, he's just an idiot and a jerk. If he wants to go with your brother and not you, tell him to get his own damn tickets.

bioclock 0

Congratulations, your dad is a douchebag. Take your brother instead.

Aww. Wow! People usually ask sibling friend or gf. You're so nice to think of your dad.