By Anonymous - 18/06/2009 07:17 - United States

Today, I saw myself in a 'girls gone wild' ad with another girl. So did my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 189
You deserved it 119 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How embarrassing for you. Maybe you shouldn't be in Girls Gone Wild if you don't enjoy your friends and family knowing about it.

Absolutely YDI - if you're gonna be in GGW or any kind of ****, expect it to be a known fact. It gets even worse once you start looking for jobs if somehow your real name becomes associated with it.


How embarrassing for you. Maybe you shouldn't be in Girls Gone Wild if you don't enjoy your friends and family knowing about it.

ndanick 4

This 1 doesnt even sound believable

What? Girls who take money off strangers to show their bodies in video get embarassed? I didn't know such a creature could get embarassed.

Next time don't be a *****..what else would you expect? You took off your clothes for a T-shirt and a 10 second clip of one will remember you...even the loser guy's that jerk off to you..sorry miss.

suaveneanderthal 0

so she was probably smashed and someone shoved a video camera in her face and said show me your ****, give her a break people.

easylazy 0

At least it wasn't her mom in the ad And guys, when you says "ad" there is one "d" because it is short for advertisement, it isn't spelled the same way as the add you use in math and such.

well she shouldn't be drunk at all. people should know their limit so they don't have to do stupid things

Actually..the folks at GGW have been sued soooo many now need to fill out and sign release forms in order to show up in it. Thanks for your attempt to protect her..but she really is just a retarded ***** looking to make some money and get her 10 seconds of fame..

Which is why they call it "drinking responsibly". If you know you have a tendency to show your ****, especially when you get smashed, the logical thing to do is to avoid getting smashed. Still hilarious, though.

Who cares how embarrassing it is for her? she is a ***** and she got served! If she was in my family we would dis-own her

kapowi 0

Excuse me #204? Give her a break? For what? Her blatant disregard for respect to her own body? Sorry, the whole 'I was drunk' argument you're placing just doesn't cut it. It's her own fault for getting on 'girls gone wild', and therefore, she should deal with the repercussions that follow. So no, I won't give her a break. OP: You deserved this. Stop bitching.

hassenpfeffermmm 0

she wasn't the naked one her friend was

if op wanted to show her **** let her. i think she's more worried that her mum saw it?

#275 your family would disown her?? that's family would make fun of me for getting too drunk and my dad would remember and tell my kids about when I grew up. LOL

AVGNRocks 0

nowhere does it say that she was naked or even having sex with the other girl. it could've been just making out.

marcychick 0

what a good family legend! :0) the legend of the *****! great family values. and btw y would ur dad be looking at a video of your titts? kinda sick.

This should have been one of the illustrated fml's!!

You would've had to sign a release for your image to be included on any Girls Gone Wild production. There is absolutely NO WAY you could have been surprised by seeing yourself on one. And if you're a minor, your parents or guardian would have had to sign as well.

She was probably intoxicated. Or not surprised just unhappy that her mom saw.

Absolutely YDI - if you're gonna be in GGW or any kind of ****, expect it to be a known fact. It gets even worse once you start looking for jobs if somehow your real name becomes associated with it.

Agree, don't do it if you don't want people to know. Same applies to cheating, etc.

hey123hey123 0

why r ppl calling her a ***** she was just worried about her mom

crackz12 10

That's what you get for wakin' up in Vegas

How does vegas have anything to do with girls gone wild? i know the song but wtf...

Youre_not_sorry7 2

haha thats funny but seriously YDI on that one you def deserved it

I think ppl are neglecting the thumbs down button cuz this wasn't bad and there are a few I've seen to be good that have been thumbed down...

I kissed a girl, And I liked it. Enough to have it filmed.

Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I saw you too...

Best of blondes?? which one are you!!! Fwap fwap fwap :)


proof or it didnt happen. (link us to a vid of the commercial. and a pic of you)

he's just saying what everybodies thinkin'

Ender_ 0

Exactly what I was thinking. haha. I wanna see this girl.

heh heh. you cum to think about it. I think you mean when. op is retarded

to continue... OMGIWASTHIRDOMG this is the most ive ever achieved, let me have it and bask in its glory. and everyone that goes omgyouwastemanforbeing third well screw you because youre just jealous of my win. and what is girls gone wild? i can like, guess, but if you're 18 or whatever and its **** then arent old guys gonna be jacking off over you?

gigi37 0

Seriously, you really think that people care that you were on this site faster than others to comment? You're pathetic if this is the most you have ever achieved, so stop taking up space by claiming your "win." Also, you've never heard of Girls Gone Wild? Go back to your kindergarten cartoons, little child; you're clearly not mature enough to be on this site

Yes, Girls Gone Wild totally suggests maturity. That's a logical conclusion. Pics/Vids or it didn't happen.

tannarox 0

#7: guys, stop feeding the troll. LOL.

L0veh8te 0

LOL, I guess moms seeing it isnt that bad. But if it was Dad it would have been more funny.

testing_fml 0

Just wait till your dad download it to to watch some ****.


lol yeah or if he is a regular buyer. imagine he's whackin off or somethin to a hott body and then it pans up and reveals his daughter's face!!!!! OMFG!!!!

codaic1549 0

that would be super funny! and then it would be like: omg, omg omg! i jacked off to my daughter's naked body!

i think #41 has a real fml going there...

f_all_our_lives 4

Omg that would be fuuuuuucked EWWW lol