By Melaknee - 19/03/2009 00:10 - United States

Today, I saw an attractive man outside the club I was trying to get into to. We talked, and ended up having sex in my apartment. The next day when I was dropping him off, I discovered he was homeless and was outside the club begging for money. My house is suddenly out of bread and cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 448
You deserved it 149 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not one to judge, but you have to admit that such things are part of the risk you take when you sleep with random people. You're not wrong to have sex to your heart's content, but I don't think you have a lot of room to complain about the result, either. I'd recommend going to a clinic ASAP, by the way.

no need to judge, and least the sex was good?


#53 - that's not true, sadly. At least in Detroit it's not. I work in Infectious Diseases in a hospital downtown, and of the patients that I've seen that have STDs (at least the more damaging ones like AIDS or syphilis) many of them are homeless. To be fair, not all of them contracted AIDS through sex though, many cases were because they shared needles. Doesn't mean the OP wouldn't be screwed if she slept with one of them lol. The other reason we have so many homeless here is that they closed down the mental institutions, so all the schizos were left out in the street. That being said, not all homeless people look/smell/act/are like the patients I see in the hospital. Has anyone seen "The Pursuit of Happyness"? If not, it might make you change your opinion on the homeless. But I have to agree, how could you possibly just sleep with a random person you met?

alex_vik 0

That's what you get for being a *****.

legendbyday 0

so what's the fml? were you planning to keep this guy a **** buddy then realized he doesn't have a phone that you can contact him with on your in-need nights? you could always have a pickup point, down the street, corner of 5th every thursday night. no fml needed

I think it should read like this: Today, I had to have sex with this ugly chick I met outside a club near the alley I live in just so I could have a bed to sleep in and some food to eat for a night. FML Of course, we won't see that on here though because he doesn't have a home let alone a ******* computer and internet connection. You degraded yourself because you're a desperate idiot, no need to degrade him for his misfortune. And #55 is right on. Shameful you'd offer him your cooch but not some genuine help.

FAKE - Hasn't anyone else watched Arrested Development?

in her defense, it's often hard to tell the difference between smelly hobos and ironic hipsters.

life_is_a_hooker 0

HAHAHA Too bad I don't believe it... If it's true, how in the world didn't you tell by how badly he surely smelled?!

beernotchurch 0

it was probably just a squatter kid. they're usuaully young and they tend to just seem like dirty punk kids than actually homeless.