By JMU - 06/07/2009 19:34 - United States

Today, I saw a major accident then stopped to help the drivers. I was on my way to a rest stop to use the bathroom so as we were waiting for police I went into the woods and I come out to the police arresting me for public urination. One of the drivers said I was "using the woods for a bathroom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 371
You deserved it 4 552

Same thing different taste

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So... you helped one of the drivers and they reported you? That's so rude. And besides, a little pee won't hurt the trees.


Ox_Baker 0

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He didnt say he took a dump ******. And he also didnt say that he was visible from the road ******. The drivers told the cop he was in the woods going to the bathroom. ...******

themixedt4pe 0

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in the US, it is a crime, even if you go a mile into the woods and it's just to pee. They've arrested people for that. YDI, the drivers told the truth! What would you do if you were them and the police were like "umm... where is the driver of that car?" I mean, even if you say you don't know, when they see you coming out of the woods, they're going to KNOW what you were doing and arrest you. PS, you're a sex offender now (so long as you live in the US).

thats what ya get for trying to be a good samaritian lesson: never help people, it ends badly

So... you helped one of the drivers and they reported you? That's so rude. And besides, a little pee won't hurt the trees.

agree with #9. the cops should have let it go...wait ARRESTED?! for taking a whiz in the woods? i don't think i believe this one

Yeah. The worst that would happen would be a written citation or something. There's no way he would get arrested for it.

People get arrested for it all the time. Trust me- I've lived in New Orleans over Mardi Gras.

Yes pissing on trees is like fertilizer, really!

cowstrike 0

One more reason why you should never help people jk :P

What an asshole! After you tried to help him/her! To be honest I had no idea peeing in the woods was a crime. Huh.

...And that's why you never attempt to help a stranger. Also who doesn't know that pissing outside is a crime? (not saying the OP is stupid, I've pissed outside plenty of times, but to the people writing the comments...are you idiots?

Yeah, I guess I am an idiot. I obviously know pissing in public where everyone can see you is illegal but not when it's in the woods where no one can exactly see you.. Maybe ticket-worthy but not getting arrested.. Excuse me for not knowing this oh-so-obvious piece of information.

gingaa96 18

It actually shouldn't be a crime.. Public urination is a crime but if OP was out of sight from the street that's not illegal

Chanelle1 0

wtf dont worry karma will get them too.

Wow. Epic douchebag, and I mean EPIC.