By sadphonegirl - 16/06/2012 13:44 - Canada - Brampton

Today, I remember that I changed my phone lock password when I was still half asleep this morning, but I don't remember what I changed it to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 147
You deserved it 24 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MaskingTape 2

Now I have to change my password.

It will come to you....almost as bad as when assholes get it locked for hours


That happened to me once. I started randomly punching 4 digit combinations and on the third try my phone unlocked.

Sorry, that sucks, try doing a log for all your sites for the information that they want it will help!

EmmyGirl1426 0

i do tht all the time.. in fact my phone is locked as we speak! from the same reason!

when you wake up in the morning try first password that comes into your head then go to setting and turn password off.

Take it to the store, chances are theyll be able to crack it

My chemistry teacher thinks it's funny to take my phone and change my password. And then not tell me for 2 hours.

bison2 2

I have done the same thing, it came to me later the same day.