By LonelyMonkey - 12/11/2009 19:39 - United States

Today, I received an eviction notice taped to my door stating my landlord is selling his property and moving out of the country in 13 days. My landlord is my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 443
You deserved it 3 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Clearly a strong relationship you got going there

DeadMansCrack 4

Ladies, look out! Turns out there is something worse than being dumped over text.


m0tl3ycru3 0

Back to living with your parents OP

Clearly a strong relationship you got going there

Maybe it was his way of telling you to pack your shit and come with him. :/

If thats the case then he needs to work on is communication skills

ATTILA_fml 0

its okay nigga tah @ gunna fuhkk wit you cause wat u iZ Str8 DroPPiN! Dont let kno niggaz discourage you. we already kno you iZ a TrUE BeAUtY Qu33N! Juss LiYke MeH NiGGA FAmOUSE AcE! FRee SLicKPuLLA And B-ReAL NIGGA FuHkk WIt Meh!

*sigh* i live in the 'hood... why can't i talk like this? You have some talent there, buddy.

Jesus I hope you're joking. I think you should lose your right to use the internet if you type LiKe tHiS, and if you cannot form a single coherent sentence.

whitegirlroxurso 0

stop hating ho and get a life

DeadMansCrack 4

Ladies, look out! Turns out there is something worse than being dumped over text.

psychopolarbear 28

Dumped via eviction notice. Ouch.

Entity4Infinity 0

"Since I just got promoted, I just thought you two should know; I take my coffee with a little milk, two sugars and a lot less of your bullshit." "If Romeo had just masturbated a couple of times a week he would have saved both those nice families a heap of trouble." George and Daisy woo me still.

FeverTalk 0
perdix 29

Ouch. Now you are going to have to pay money for rent, unless you can find another "landlord" who will be your "boyfriend." And we all know that is urban slang for a landlord who accepts payments in ********, but if you want to get your place painted, you have to screw him. New carpet? Anal.

yo ATTILA....u dA mos ignantest muFuhkkA on dis Sh1t.... How long does it take you to type like that????? talk/type like a human being asshole

That may be illegal. Many states require you be given 30 days' notice. If he doesn't agree, you can always get a court order. FYL for having such a douche-bag for a boyfriend.