By tomchuq - 30/08/2009 07:12 - United States

Today, I realized I can hold a pencil in my fat rolls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 662
You deserved it 61 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sbarre1 0

Thin people can do this. Depends on how you sit. There is no FML here. Now, if it was an orange or something, then you'd get a real FML.


This fml sucks. Like really, not even funny.

This is only a FML if you are fat enough to successfully write while you hold the pencil in the myriad of overlapping folds of your manboobs.

ILoveJace01 0

Lol okay, I just thought of that thing from Family Guy, I think it's the episode where Peter has no bones, and he's a big blob, and he's pulling stuff out of his fat and skin. Lol!!!!

Im 5"6 90 lbs =P i can do it You arent too bright YDI for eating...(most lilely micky-d's) (in which case... YOU SICKEN ME!!!)

You know what sickens me? When people are proud and self-righteous about looking like Holocaust survivors. Just keep starving yourself, li'l one. You aren't too bright and what can I say? When you eventually starve yourself to death, it'll just be survival of the fittest.

If someone has a fast metabolic rate they could eat quite a bit and still resume their small figures. Like myself, I will eat burgers and pizzas night on end, sitting on the computer - people still ask me if I'm anorexic, people still ask me if I'm bulimic. The poster whom you have replied to could be eating quite a bit - yet he keeps thin, and light. Starving yourself isn't too great either: In a previous post I explained starving yourself will make you gain weight! And if he's not dead then I'm assuming he's eating a fair amount. After starving yourself for a while - no food AT ALL, you will probably die if you continue. How to prevent death due to starvation? Eat. And when you eat, in fear that you will die of starvation, your body adds all the calories of the food, that fats, and store it as fat on your body. If the person you're replying to is both alive, and has at least a decent weight, you can assume he's eating healthily. For a final point, you can't presume his age. For a really final point, that has nothing to do with weight gain/loss, the survivors of the Holocaust, are actually, for the most part, looking like your average, healthy civilian. All the lanky bodies you see in old photographs were either taken by Dr Josef Mengele (Angel Of Death), and his team; or the bodies were cremated and made into soap by the Nazis, or they were just left in massive trolleys to rot. And here is where I end my post.

3timesthefun 0

the pencil should have poked your fat, maybe you would end up being skinner without the rolls (: its okay though you can always keep trying, and you know what they say practice makes perfect :D