By citylife - 20/04/2013 20:22 - United States

Today, I realized how tiny my apartment is, when I was able to vacuum from bedroom to bathroom through the living room without switching the power outlet from the one in the kitchen. I pay a fortune to live in this shoebox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 684
You deserved it 10 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're paying for the luxury of not having to switch power outlets. You know how bothersome that is? And how costly it is to provide?

NewYorkMexPR 14

At least you have a place to live in


Ditto, we live close to a beach though. Good ol Aussie land.

It can also mean that you have a very long cord which is a good thing do you don't have to keep moving outlets

Yep...that's California for you...

CeeCee_fml 16

Your paying a luxury of not having to waste too much time doing mundane tasks such as cleaning your house. At least I get paid to clean and do anything to not keep changing PowerPoint (in one building I'm looking at using anywhere up to 5 power points whilst using a vacuum with a 10+ meter long cord.

FYL OP. But hey, it could still be worse: I only have to use a DustBuster to vacuum my 9m2 "appartment" and can barely fit it in my closet (although it isn't that expensive as such, it is for me). Luckily, my boyfriend and I are moving in together soon to a more comfortable 65m2 :-)

I know the feeling! Just moved out of an apartment the same size I was paying almost $700 for. Just recently moved to a 2 bedroom. A bit bigger but $1000/month! The joys of living 20 min from an army base!