By ashamed - 20/01/2016 19:00 - Germany

Today, I realized how much of a nutter my mother really is as she decided to write on a high visibility vest a "warning" that all foreigners, especially refugees, want to rape German women. She now wants to wear it each and every day in our hometown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 266
You deserved it 1 702

Same thing different taste

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sounds like a nice lady! haha seek help maybe, or wear a vest warning them of your mother!

That second vest sounds like a good idea to me. I think I'm more sickened by the mother than she is by foreigners.

kimeatszombies 22

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You should wear a similar vest warning people of your mother

fumanshu 9

Hahhaa I was thinking the same thing!! ?

Why the question mark? Are you uncertain of whether you really agree, and you're just asking other people what you're thinking? ;)

just talk some sense into her....its the only thing you can do. they are not all monsters.

Get her help. Immediately. Believing that an entire group of people are capable of and willing to commit horrific acts over what a handful of rotten individuals have done is definitely paranoid thinking. Sadly she's not the only one who feels this way. I'm sure your country can understand that better than anyone. Try explaining it to your mother.

askullnamedbilly 33

Unfortunately, OP's mother is an adult and capable of making her own (terrible) decisions. OP can ask her mother to get help, but they can't force her - and she's probably not going to.

talk to her and let her know that nobody wants to leave their life. if someone is a refuse, that means he doesn't have any other options. being an bit*h doesn't make her a concern citizen.

Malsain_fml 10

What's the point in doing that? Does everybody will get conscious just from reading her vest?

I'm sure she's just afraid because there have been multiple incidents where male refugees have groped and assaulted German women. Getting a t-shirt might be a bit extreme.