By ohemmgeee - 31/12/2010 11:11 - Australia

Today, I found out that my boyfriend purposely makes me cry because it makes him feel special. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 114
You deserved it 5 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crystal_james 0

Please tell me he is no longer your boyfriend.

deidre823 7

Kick him in the balls & tell him "It makes me feel special." Solves that problem.


crystal_james 0

Please tell me he is no longer your boyfriend.

Hidan_fml 0

Toughen the **** up and make that ******* son of a bitch cry!!!!!

sugarr0babby0 0

dump him, and dump him now. problem solved! :)

Ugh, this sounds like my ex... OP, did he by any chance tell you that, "you're so much more beautiful when you cry"? Disgusting. You know how if you eat something bad, you regurgitate it? Same principle: PURGE. And for god's sake, don't look at it and wonder if it's changed!!!

Don't throw a cat at his face, throw a pissed off raccoon!

i aRGee tHT AzZHole doNT DesErve yU! HeS a PRicK!

suuuuurrrrraaaaa 0

Kick him in the balls and say that it makes you feel special

0D0R0 4

@#94: Special as especially stupid. He would get her back anyway.

k how bout you think about it this way: this is his only way of feeling special meaning she prolly did a crap job of being nice to him. this most likely isnt the case but still think about it before jumping to the conclusion that he's a self centered, masochistic douchebag.

82- you should be stabbed for typing like that

Life_is_FML 22
IrishSoulja 4

Did you not notice something was wrong when he first made you cry?

You can make him cry... just bite his nutsack.

KiddNYC1O 20

Well, that'll just make him feel extra special.

jazziness 12

u broke up wit him right cause that's ridiculous

deidre823 7

Kick him in the balls & tell him "It makes me feel special." Solves that problem.

What's wrong with you?! One does not never EVER kick a man in his 'private area'. Unless he's a rapist or a pedophile, ofc..

m0tl3ycru3qwr 0

seriously who put YDI? WTF is wrong with people these days...

it all depends. if she didn't dump his sorry ass then I would say she deserves it for being stupid enough to stay with a guy like that.

Probably pressed it because they think she deserves it for sticking with a douche bag like him. OP, wear heavy boots and kick him hard in the nuts. That will make YOU feel special. (;

Kaei 21

sometimes I miss tap on certain fml's and accidentally put YDI and can't undo it. maybe other people do the same thing

Stop crying so much, OP. Can't give him that satisfaction.