By sadf4x0r - 24/02/2010 17:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised my girlfriend is the perfect woman for most men. She only ever talks to me in the intermissions on Modern Warfare 2; shame it's not me playing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 658
You deserved it 6 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blaaaaakely 0

I'll just come out and say it: bieber sucks. no coughing needed


You need to talk to her and tell her to give you the time of day or you don't really want to be with her. MW2 is fun and addicting, but not worth losing friends over. On the other hand, if your gf is the one of the two girls I've met on mw2, you might be better off without her. ;)

Start playing. But don't get better than her, if you don't want to lose her lol :D

Aw Eff that, if my bf were to get better at me the MW2 I'd be stoked. I'm guessing she could take the heat too.

Jenny444_fml 0

Why is everyone talking sht about a 15 year old famous guy who could care less what you think?.. idk i guess everyone loves wasting their time.. anyways thats beside the point hmm.. Please OP talk to your gf.. maybe you two can even play together or something spend some quality time :)

that's awesome dude, get another controlled then own her on th game, then in bed :)

jenlynn86 0

modern warfare 2 is the best! I play all the time and had to buy a 2nd ps3 so my hubby can play too. =)

hey add me on psn =) i play mw2 its awesome as hell

He is gonna suck ass when he goes through pubirty(spelling) and i do love when they tell snicker to **** off its funny and true

My husband and I each have our own Xbox. We've found that is the secret to a happy marriage- not having to share everything. He doesn't like a lot of the same games I do, and vice versatile.

my iPod changed vice versa to versatile! haha, quit telling me what words to use, apple!!!

disgruntledyouth 0

you should hack her profile and delete her experience in MW2 continually