By Anonymous - 30/12/2013 03:52 - United States

Today, I ran for the first time in ages when I saw my bus coming. My loose shoe went flying into a shop doorway, and I tripped into the gutter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 155
You deserved it 6 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope someone caught it on video and uploads it to YouTube. You'll be the next viral Internet star like the Star Wars Kid or Tay Zonday or that other guy who did that other stupid thing. I'll be your agent. Call me.


Lesson learned: never run...ever...unless your being attacked by a serial killer

This is why I wear sneakers, even though I don't run much, either. I've done plenty of walking, though.

Maybe you should run more instead of being a fatty... Or just tie up your shoes properly

When you and I, respectively, say 'running', we clearly don't mean the same thing.

Hirix 3

I learned never to run after the bus, because the last time I did, I sprinted half a mile to get to the bus stop because the bus was coming down the road. Luckily for traffic to slow it down allowing me to just make it. I ended up puking on the bus :(