By Odds in my favour - 14/03/2018 15:00

Today, I put out a public ad for a dancing buddy. No pictures, just a brief description of what I was looking for. A guy answered and we started chatting. The more he revealed, the more familiar he sounded. Yep! That's him! My stalker from 10 years ago. Guess I have to move. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 737
You deserved it 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TotallyNotJeevas 15

Why would you have to move? Did you seriously put more info in the ad than just your mobile number?

befuddled455 9

no means no. if a guy was 'fighting for her' when she didn't want him to, and he didn't back off, then it goes into stalking territory. some men have this idea that if they're in love with a woman she owes it to them to love them back. this is so horrendously untrue. stop. romanticising. stalking.


Did you use your personal cell number or an email that isn't linked to anything of importance? I'm so sorry he might have found you again. I have been dealing with a stalker on FB and it has spilled over to instagram. Stay strong and stay alert. Change any personal info you used of you can. And if you can't, abandon it.

TotallyNotJeevas 15

Why would you have to move? Did you seriously put more info in the ad than just your mobile number?

Um, if he is still so obsessed that he tracked down her ad, he surely already knows where she is living/working/etc.

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befuddled455 9

no means no. if a guy was 'fighting for her' when she didn't want him to, and he didn't back off, then it goes into stalking territory. some men have this idea that if they're in love with a woman she owes it to them to love them back. this is so horrendously untrue. stop. romanticising. stalking.

Ishvah 15

didn't Obama refuse to take no for answer. I'm pretty sure he's still married to that girl.

Yeah well ask the creepy piano dude who got punched in the face for being creepy about it.

There’s no other answer; challenge him to a dance to the death!

That’s so adorable! You think he’s your stalker from 10 years ago? He’s always been your stalker! Running away won’t solve anything. The way to deal with a stalker is go out with him. Be dirty and smelly and be boring as hell. You’ll never have to deal with him again.

bigdaddyeric 35

You would know Pencil Dick, I mean Richard Pencil.....

Be something he isn't expecting. He might change his mind and leave, but make sure you always got someone you can trust with you while with him.

thatslifeiguess7 16

if you knew you have a stalker why wouldn't you use a throw away phone?

From ten years ago, they probably thought this person wasn't an issue for them anymore.

Lobby_Bee 17

I guess you guys are meant to be together. Can't run from fate.