By Kotoko - 06/04/2013 04:59 - United States - Wylie

Today, I pulled a muscle in my arm from eagerly scratching off a lottery ticket. No, I didn't win anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 272
You deserved it 17 104

Kotoko_fml tells us more.

LOL These comments are all hilarious. xD Yeah, I admit, I probably DID deserve it =P Lotto tickets are a money drainage.. =/ Course, you win a few times.. here and there, you get addicted thinking "OK! I am going to win this time!" Yeah.. I really need to stop buying them all the time. It's pathetic how much money I've wasted.. =/ I vote YDI for myself, lol.

Top comments

You say that last part as if you were surprised or something. And you must reaaaaaaaly have been eager. Don't you know those things are a money sink?

Did you buy another ticket for your other arm?


You say that last part as if you were surprised or something. And you must reaaaaaaaly have been eager. Don't you know those things are a money sink?

Damn you're just rolling in the cash. Who needs a pension when you have 2 dollar scratch tickets.

tjv3 10

I'm sure the one winner of the 350 million thought it was a money sink... Oh wait nah he didn't

Quit while you're ahead. They wouldn't be selling them unless they were statistically making a profit, and the more you buy the more you fall into statistics.

Did you buy another ticket for your other arm?

Might as well go for a full body work out while you're at it, OP. Never miss leg day. These things cost an arm and a leg.

Full body workout? I'm trying to see how he'd manage an ab crunch. Ooh ooh, I know! Tape it to his knees, and then put a quarter in his mouth, and every rep scratch a bit off.

Be careful next time you **********...

Anyone ever get their hand stuck in or something, Doc?

Wouldn't surprise me. Damn tilted uterus.

Lets be honest, we were all thinking it. It just needed someone with the nuts to say it! Good call Doc.

OP I would disagree with your statement. From my point of view it appears as though you won a trip to the hospital.

You sure are eager to pay your poor tax. If everyone was so cooperative we could really stick it to the IRS and make half of them unemployed.

SnuWolf 15

How do you pull a muscle from scratching a lottery ticket? I get that you were eager but unless you moved your entire arm furiously while scratching I see it impossible to do so.

you must have been really excited to disappoint yourself

I'm sure it was from "scratching" a lottery ticket...

So THAT'S what they're calling it these days...

And I was calling it "beating the ferret." Am I the only one?!

Perhaps you should spend your money on a gym membership and not lottery tickets.

alphatoomega 21

There's a reason they call the lottery a tax on the stupid.