By chubrubber - 04/09/2016 18:57 - United States - Bronx

Today, I participated in a walk for charity. Even though I was supposed to walk 5K, I stopped after 3K because the pain from my thighs rubbing together nearly sent me to tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 058
You deserved it 2 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dancersrule1 26

Google "Bandelettes. " They are a life saver for possessors of thunder thighs like you and me! Good for men and women! Legalize Thunder Thighs!

3k is still a good amount of money... I'm proud of you, op.


Dancersrule1 26

Google "Bandelettes. " They are a life saver for possessors of thunder thighs like you and me! Good for men and women! Legalize Thunder Thighs!

Also the 'silky underwear' powder from lush is wonderful, and it smells amazing!

Thank you so much for this! As an addition I've also found that biker shorts are really helpful (when your dress is long enough to cover them) or if the end of your shorts keep riding up.

This is one instance where the phrase "Thick thighs save lives" doesn't work.

Better to try and fail, then not try at all. I salute you OP

nesteremily 31

I feel you OP, same thing happens when I wear a skirt or dress. FYL

That's why I always wear shorts, panty hose or leggings under skirts and dresses. Even on hot summer days. That, and you don't have to fear accidental exposure due to wind or sitting comfortably.

nesteremily 31

I always wear nike pros(spandex shorts) under dresses but still my thighs rub

Rawrshi 25

Monistat makes an anti chafing gel that's less than $10 for a tube that lasts quite a long time. Just rub a little pea sized amount wherever you usually chafe (good for thighs as well as anywhere else) and good to go. Reapply as/if necessary, of course. It also relieves pain if already chafed. It's great for guys too. I swear by the stuff. It's a life saver on hikes in shorts.

It is awful I want to cry after wearing shorts or a dress. It is rarely spoken about

Having experienced chub rub for the first time recently, I feel your pain.

As a thick thighs girl, I feel. My condolences.

They have creams you can use to prevent chafing I've used it many times it also helps even after the chafing has happened an good job on doing 3k not everyone small or large can do that so be proud of your self