Let me gooooo!

By quitfuckingalready! - 04/09/2020 08:00 - United States

Today, my request to move apartments was once again denied. My next door neighbor’s constant marijuana smoke wafts over every day, and the woman upstairs is pregnant with her sixth child. It’s like a herd of elephants living above me. They won’t let me out of my lease unless I pay a huge amount. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 837
You deserved it 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have the same issue with the weed. Even though there is a no smoking clause in the lease they tell me they can’t do anything. I was thinking about getting a fogger and piping into the common wall and pumping liquid ass to all the apartments every time the dude starts smoking. They can’t stop me by their own admission. They can’t control smells.

bobsanction 18


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Start a drum circle and take up clog dancing. If your drum circle surrounds a pile of burning tires and farts, even better!

Get a lawyer you have rights, most landlords only care about the rent money, I feel your pain I'm in a similar situation. with a added crazy maintenance man who likes to threaten tenants but the owners won't fire him, he's their golden boy maintenance man.

I don't know how legal weed is over there, you might look into it. About the kids you can't do much if they are very young. Talk to the woman to if she can teach the kids not to stomp around.

bobsanction 18

I have the same issue with the weed. Even though there is a no smoking clause in the lease they tell me they can’t do anything. I was thinking about getting a fogger and piping into the common wall and pumping liquid ass to all the apartments every time the dude starts smoking. They can’t stop me by their own admission. They can’t control smells.

Do you know about assignment of lease? Assignment of lease is a wonderful section of law that allows you to transfer your lease to someone who will be the tenant in your place. You just have to find a person with a good credit who doesn't mind living in an apartment under a herd of elephants. A big family should do it. Once you find your person, there is some paperwork involved and usually a credit check, and after five to seven working days, presto! You are free! The landlord don't have the right to refuse your assignment of lease unless he has a good reason, e.g. person doesn't pay rent, has a horrible credit score, is noisier than your upstairs neighbors, punches walls, punches landlord, etc. Good luck finding your dream assignee!

Six kids living in an apartment? Our tax dollars at work... Did you sign a lease contract? If so, yes, you're stuck without paying a big fee. If there is no paperwork saying you agree to lease the place for a certain amount of time and paying a fine if you break the lease beforehand, I think you could probably get the cops involved.