By Anonymous - 02/11/2011 14:43 - United States

Today, I overheard my dad telling his work buddy that he's disappointed in his kid. I assumed he meant my brother, for flunking out of school. He meant me, for quitting sports to focus on my studies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 473
You deserved it 3 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yamatelle 19

He'll regret saying that when you succeed ten years later.


irun4life 0

I feel yah buddy, always have been and always will be

ajourdhui 0

"20-50% less than those who didn't"? Stop pulling statistics out of your ass, bro. I don't care who you are or where you're from, no one ever says, "Oh, you got good grades in school? Looks like I can't hire you!"

Its been confirmed that physical active students have greater average marks in school than those who are not psysically active. If you balance school and sports equally not only will you be a better student you will also be in better shape.

varkey 7

Your dad's an idiot. Although, it does seem to be easier to get into top colleges via sports nowadays than via academics. FYL

Lol I like how nobody realized this was more than likely a joke.

107- Hahaha uh oh... Talking about oil to a Texas born and raised boy. Now I DO know you're full of shit, workers, neither the worms, or foremen make that much, although they can make a lot. And owners make WAY more than that. There is no middle ground that constitutes whatever salary you posted... 400k I think? My best friend's dad in high school was pretty much the highest paid employee in my grandfather's company apart from Gramps. And he was a Petroleum Engineer. He made close to 400k a year, but guess what? He graduated high school and went to college, and also got a masters degree, unlike your parents. Don't try and tell me about oil, kid. I ******* know oil, that's my family business. Wes-Tex Drilling Co. Abilene TX.

catkat1988 17

Your dad shouldn't express disappointment in his kids, regardless. He should at least realize how strongly that affects a kid, and think twice about voicing it, especially over something like sports.

toalysium 15

Let's see him run his mouth when you're his boss someday.