By ew - 04/10/2009 15:41 - United States

Today, I noticed that my acne has gotten so bad, I can see it out of my peripheral vision. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 079
You deserved it 9 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

a blind man will try and read your face soon

Read the book "The Acne Cure" by Dubrow. It helped me a lot.


star_blueanise 1

bugger to all those idiots who say dumbass things like wash your face more or 'you should have taken care of it before it got out of control' what the hell does having acne have to do with not washing your face, people can take a world of care on their face, but acne is HORMONAL don't listen to them, I do advise you go to a doc/derm; dont trust over the counter acne products, or proactive or murad, trust the doc. good luck

MetalCraze 11

YDI there are various acne treatments are you too lazy to go to a doctor?

airsoftislife 0

Don't drink soda drink lots of water

dude I don't have any acne on my face but I have it severe on my chest and back and I've been going to the dermotologist for like 7 months and nothing works. The sun helped though, when I got a tan.

yo, i would highly recommend using acutane, and suggest not using pro-active, pro-active only usually worked the first couple times then it had about no effect. and acutane really dries up your face so if u have really greasy skin, and it doesnt help washing it or using other medications, then definately use acutane. it might really dry up your lips and around your mouth but u can always put some skin cream to moisturize it. it also might take a couple months but i would say its worth it.

thefury 0

it's called a Dermatologist, you should see one.

Ho-lee shit! Wow... that's disgusting man. See a dermatologist or something... good God...

Wow dude.. You made me crack up at that for ages! :P

moonlit_manga 0

proactive works for me. though it is stronger than most acne washes. I've hardly ever had any acne in my past 8 years of pre-teen to teenage years. (I'm 16) then again I've washed with proactive since I was 9. lol I don't recomend's useless. in my opinion atleast. ^_^;

A lot of times using harsh cleansing products makes the acne worse...that's what happened to me. My doctor gave me a very strong antibiotic cream and it made my skin blotchy and red. Before trying out products like Proactiv or Accuane, I would HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend the Origins Skincare line (google them) to anyone with acne/breakouts. Their products are so much gentler for your skin and they're worth every penny. Ever since I started using it, my acne just disappeared and I've used it for quite a while now.