By darksaber522 - 25/11/2015 21:40 - Canada - Kitchener
darksaber522 tells us more.
OP here. They mouthed off to the manager + frequently missed shifts, so they won't be missed (except tomorrow)
Top comments
Prepare yourself for the onslaught.
Your boss will see the problem if you happen to come down with a quick case of "food poisoning" and can't make it to work. Good luck!
This definitely needs a follw up
I love this idea. Yes, it's completely unethical and wrong, but the thought of op's boss getting what he deserves and dealing with the huge mess he made makes me smile. *evil grin* Maybe he'll learn to treat his employees better if he realizes just what it is they have to deal with. He shouldn't dish it out if he can't take it himself. *insert evil laugh here*
She should talk the new hire into the game too by saying they both went out to eat and contracted the same virus
May the odds be ever in your favour.
How did they even make it into a management position without the common sense required to see the glaringly obvious problem they're creating?
I'm wondering why they were fired. It's pretty concerning when multiple employees are all fired at the same time. On the contrary, OP, if your boss doesn't see a problem with having only two people work on Black Friday, you should call off right before your shift and see how your boss will manage with the new hire.
Nope, OP has to work, his/her boss is off until Monday. That's what I call "A smart Evil Boss." Good luck OP.
33, How do you know op's boss is off until Monday? You don't.
This was written in Ontario, Canada. Thanksgiving in Canada is in October, so we definitely don't get Thursday or Friday off. And Black Friday isn't anywhere near as big a thing in Canada. It's been semi-adopted from the states, but Boxing Day is still the bigger sales.
I work at a casino and on holidays my boss takes the week off
I don't see the problem of how he became a manager. He has all the right quilities like being a dick,and not caring about your opinion.
All you can do is train them up as much as you can before the date (and pray they are quick learners).
8, usually FML's are submitted a couple of days before they're published, so OP probably had a couple days before today to strategize prior to battle.
That is precisely....what happens to employees who are too much honest and hardworking
Be aware, he might fire you after you teaching him.
Gear up, fasten your seatbelt and get ready to rumble.

Your boss will see the problem if you happen to come down with a quick case of "food poisoning" and can't make it to work. Good luck!
Here layeth OP, a brave and unfortunate soul. RIP.