By Anonymous - 31/05/2009 03:34 - United States

Today, I met this really nice guy at the mall and he gave me his number. Later that night, I texted him. We got on the subject of food, and I started talking about how much I love veal. He responded with saying I was supporting animal murder, that I should go to hell and lose his number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 096
You deserved it 20 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I mean, it's not the most politically correct meat on the planet. It seems he may be a vegetarian. You should probably lose his number anyway. I mean, you met him at the mall.

Wow, well if hes going to be like that for not being vegan, not worth your time. I'm vegetarian myself but I realize it's not for everyone.


i love to eat slaughtered animals. he's a loser.

JohnL42 0

i guarantee you snot want to date a vegetarian.

I guess he has unresolved anger. Do you still regard him as "very nice" or not-so-nice now, OP?

Well, I mean, it's not the most politically correct meat on the planet. It seems he may be a vegetarian. You should probably lose his number anyway. I mean, you met him at the mall.

Ok, this post is sorta ridiculous. 1. Since when is meat political? It's a person's choice to eat whatever meat they like, unless it's human, or dolphin or some other illegal meat... Nothing political. 2. He MAY be a vegetarian? Really? He called her an animal murderer... I'm pretty sure that means he doesn't support it, aka he is a vegetarian. 3. So you're saying you going to the mall makes someone a bad person?

ibitehard 9

I eat meat, but I will not eat veal, based on what it actually is, BABY cow, and how they prepare it before killing it for food (I didn't want to use the word slaughter)

Wow, well if hes going to be like that for not being vegan, not worth your time. I'm vegetarian myself but I realize it's not for everyone.

SturmFireforge 0

Ask him to join PETA. People Eating Tasty Animals. :D

o wow i would have to say lose his number

Honestly I can't stand people that eat you alive because you like to eat animals that were once living before blah blah blah. Your life isn't ******, it's better you're not with some guy that will attack you for liking veal or anything else that ever moved. :)

Well, I hope you're not calling yourself a christian

actually in the bible it says god put them here for us to use and eat

Veal isn't just cow, it's baby cow that was tied up in a barn and left there until it was slaughtered so they couldn't build muscle and make the meat tougher.

FMLwrestler 0

Don't you just swoon over the loving "tolerance" of the liberal left? Not like that was hypocritical at all, him getting mad that somebody eats meat (which is killed somewhat humanely) to survive in the natural world (we're at the top of the food chain), but then him being OK with damning that person to excruciating pain for all eternity.... sike... lol Now don't get from this lesson that meeting people at the mall is bad, because in my view, meeting anybody anywhere and getting friendships is good. But just be glad that you got one rotten egg out of the way! It takes awhile to learn people, not everybody is good inside lol. Not everybody is 100% sane

itsgen 16

wow what an ass aha no wonder hes single forget about that loser and find a better guy ;]

Haha, sounds like the perfect guy for me.