By Anonymous - 09/12/2009 13:27 - United States

Today, I met a girl who's the whole package: brains, beauty, shared interests, great personality, single, and into me. Too bad I married my bitchy, depressive high school girlfriend who said she'd kill herself if I didn't. Sometimes, she still tells me she'll do it if we divorce. I believe her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 406
You deserved it 24 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Note to self: Don't marry while still a horny teenager.

YDI for marrying someone because of a threat... grow a pair!


Mumblstiltskin 0

Wow, that's ******. I understand exactly what you're going through. When I was in in middle school/highschool my lame bf told me the same thing. Luckily we ended it a year later, but that was the worst year of my life. I was 14, though. At your age I think you should know the difference between a threat and the real thing. No one is going to actually kill themselves over someone who they force to be with them, and if they do then let them. So I say let her do it, or at least threatened (cuz a million to 1 she's a needy bitch), and go with this new girl. Be happy. Do you want to regret your life because of someone who probably does that stuff to everyone she meets? GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, NEVER marry anyone, or even go out with someone, because they threaten suicide! Even if they mean it! Call someone to help them, instead. YDI big time.

athame1983 0

oh booohooooo no one MADE u marry ur wife, no no one is making u stay married to her i bet if she found out how cozy ur getting with this new girl she would threaten to kill herself too, doesnt seem to be stopping u

HellHathNoFury85 0

Um, you can't figure out what I'm talking about, yet you know how to use a computer, read and type? This disturbs me. Let me dumb it down, since you need it: Women think this kind of behavior is acceptable because they're women. But if a man does it, everyone thinks he's an abusive asshole. Any woman worth her air *ie, worth the air she breathes* wouldn't act that way. Don't hurt yourself figuring it out.

Give it a few weeks, see if you're still into this dream girl, and if so, start working on a plan to peacefully (or at least, as peacefully as possible) separate from the millstone around your neck that you married. :) If she's that great, she'll be worth it.

You shouldn't live your life unhappy just because of someone else's problems. If she kills herself that's her damn fault, but she won't, it's all attention whoring bullshit. My roommate got out of a six year long relationship with her first boyfriend six months ago and he has always said the same thing.

rell55555 0

That's a terrible reason to marry someone. You're not doing anyone any favors here. She needs psychiatric treatment and honestly, you might consider some therapy for yourself.

Islander_fml 5

Divorce her ass. If she kills herself, it's not your fault. You didn't tell her to kill herself. And YDI for marrying her in the first place. Never ******* EVER let someone guilt you into marriage, or even into a relationship, or into anything at all.

Divorce her. Let her ruin her own life, but don't let her **** up yours.