By Fubar0906 - 19/05/2009 01:11 - United States

Today, I'm on vacation. I spent $4000 to surprise my boyfriend on a trip to Hawaii. We have been together over a year. Turns out, he hates the outdoors. He's mad at me for bringing him here and is upset at everything. He's in the room reading, I'm at the bar drinking $10 Mai Tai's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 553
You deserved it 17 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've been together over a year and you didn't know that he hates the outdoors? I gotta say YDI.

He seems like a jerk...any normal person would at least try to enjoy themselves when the significant other put in that much effort. Sorry, that sucks! On the upside you are in Hawaii!


It only cost you $4000 to go to hawaii...including airfare, car or other transportation rental, and hotel or accomadations... I normally don't do this and i get mad people who do but i call bs. You CANT get to hawaii for $4000, maybe a plane ticket but transportation rental and accomidations? Unless your family or you own a place there or have a friend there who owns a place...unless the 4000 doesn't include all the other costs. But you deserve it even if this is true because you should've realized not to spend so much on something which your bf won't like...

Ugh, who the hell can hate the outdoors? I guess if you had insane allergies or something, but there's still the beach. He sounds like an anti-social jerk. Also; I think I can get why the OP would have spent so much money on the trip - even people who don't enjoy long walks/hiking/all that good stuff, it's Hawaii. If you look for it, there's going to be something to do there.

I'm married ... if my wife did something like this I would be so grateful. You are not even married and you made this type of gesture. He is a bitch ...

poobear 0

you deserve it you should know he doesnt like the outdoors if youve been together for a year. but since hes being such a baby you should go find someone who enjoys hawaii to spend your vaca with while he sits in the room alone

Take a surfing lesson and ditch your lame boyfriend for your instructor. Some of those surf instructors are HOT, and you'll have more fun without your boyfriend.

FYL. But to be fair, you should have known.....

bco12 0

dump him and hook up with a local guy for the week you have left. we love to show hot tourist girls around.

mcsnelly 5

okay so maybe the OP should've known that her bf doesn't like the outdoors (if she didn't know). But even if she did know that maybe he wasn't a fan of outdoorsy things, I would take that to mean he doesn't like hiking and stuff like that. I would say YDI if the OP had taken him camping or something, but it's HAWAII. Not exactly what I would think of as being outdoorsy. The bf needs to try a little harder to at least try to have fun on the great vacation the OP paid for, instead of just reading alone in the hotel room. I mean, really, he needs to grow up a little.

xo_marian 0

i'm surprised you didn't know he didn't like the outdoors but he should still appreciate the effort you put into the trip