By Work_sucks - 29/11/2016 07:05

Today, I'm facing a disciplinary hearing at work because I occasionally fail to click the door properly shut when I leave the office and this is very upsetting to one of the six colleagues I share my office with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 069
You deserved it 1 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So does your coworker have OCD? Or is that door supposed to remain locked for security reasons, or latched tight to keep the room sound proof during meetings/conferences (or just to block out a noisy reception area so people can concentrate)? If you no one even mentioned it to you before now and you're suddenly getting disciplined for it, definitely FYL. But if you've been asked everyday to keep it shut for a reason and you keep forgetting anyway, well... maybe YDI.

Letting the cool/warm air in. Or letting extra noise in. You're being a jerk, basically. It's not hard to close a door.


Office compulsive disorder much. I'm so sorry.

Someone's not facing this kind of thing with a sense of poison rationality.

I like having a million dollars more than my current financial number.

By this logic I guess you've achieved it. Congratulations!

DanielleD93 16

Jesus, if you're gonna make that joke at least say it right

Are you in one of those shops with work rules that every complaint requires some drawn-out hearing procedure? If I submitted a complaint like that I'd get laughed at.

Cyberpope 3

Most jobs I've had, if I made a complaint like that, the boss would tell me to f*** off down to the unemployment office. . . UNLESS someone was leaving a door open that needs to be locked, because then THEY could head to Unemplyment. . .

Sounds like a murder mystery to me. You find out who the ratfink is, and then murder them.

So does your coworker have OCD? Or is that door supposed to remain locked for security reasons, or latched tight to keep the room sound proof during meetings/conferences (or just to block out a noisy reception area so people can concentrate)? If you no one even mentioned it to you before now and you're suddenly getting disciplined for it, definitely FYL. But if you've been asked everyday to keep it shut for a reason and you keep forgetting anyway, well... maybe YDI.

thats like someone coming into your room and leaving without closing the door. yeah, annoying. but idk if it had to go this far. at least itll stop now lol

When they fire you, be sure to leave the door open.

Letting the cool/warm air in. Or letting extra noise in. You're being a jerk, basically. It's not hard to close a door.

r83839 22

Your colleague's property is in there. Assuming this door locks shut when you leave, they have a right to be upset you're leaving the door unlocked because that leaves their stuff vulnerable.

I leave my laptop in my office. If my colleague doesn't shut our door when he/she leaves I'd be upset. It'd be too late to be upset when it gets stolen