By Mayrose125 - 29/11/2016 07:32

Today, I learned that my boss is training one the the trainees I trained to be supervisor. Everyone supports this, including me. So what's the issue? I was promised that position almost 2 years ago. Apparently, I train people well enough to promote, but I'm not good enough to be promoted myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 790
You deserved it 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps try sending a tactful message. I remember once having a friend in a similar situation, and after a lot of discussion, we went and set their office on fire. Burned the whole building down before heading off on a murder spree. As the weeks went by, the body count skyrocketed, and eventually my friend found something they valued more than a job: self esteem.

Maybe you should talk to your supervisor and see what needs to be done for you to get a promotion...


Maybe you should talk to your supervisor and see what needs to be done for you to get a promotion...

Maybe they're just intimidated by how good you are and if they gave you the position you'd be so good that you'd make everyone else look bad! Best of luck OP, I'm sure you'll get your chance eventually!

so stand up for yourself. say hey, I was promised a promotion, why have I not gotten it? standing silent never solved anything.

Perhaps try sending a tactful message. I remember once having a friend in a similar situation, and after a lot of discussion, we went and set their office on fire. Burned the whole building down before heading off on a murder spree. As the weeks went by, the body count skyrocketed, and eventually my friend found something they valued more than a job: self esteem.

Oh yeah, in retrospect, I think all of that discussion was a bit much.

Taco The Dank 27

Dude I thought we promised to keep that a secret!

ArbiterOfFML 24

Have you ever mentioned or brought this up?

Bekkah_Kathryn_ 15

Went through this with SIX of my trainees before I was finally promoted to the lead spot. It's a shitty feeling in the meantime but hopefully you can get promoted soon!

Maybe you should start looking away from management and start to enter the hr department. Specialize in training... that is a corporate position mind you.

Maybe you ought to try to become the Head of Training?

If you were promised this position two years ago, why is this an issue just now and not a year ago? Also, before you start training somebody for a position you deserve, shouldn't you question why you are doing it?