By M95 - 03/03/2010 19:11 - Norway

Today, I'm a 15 year old boy who is bald. Why am I bald? My little brother thought it would be funny to put glue in my hair gel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 768
You deserved it 4 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IndigoKitty 3

cheer up, could be worse, some 15 year olds are bald because they've got cancer.

How much gel do you use that you had to shave your whole head? sheesh o_o


mileycyrusisgay 0

What type of glue did he use? Because elmers glue is used *as* hair gel by quite a few people. So unless it was an industrial strength glue that you had to cut out I don't get it.

He's either lying, or the brother didn't really use glue. I've been useing glue for over a year to put my mohawk up, I'm still not bald.

What type of douche 15 year old uses hair gel anyway

trackrunner00008 0

only gay boys use hair gell. girls don't like that man.

trackrunner00008 0

and another thing your brother is the man between the two of you because instead of beating the shit out of him, you get on here and bitch about it. get some nuts your ******* 15 ass whipe

You said, "little brother," right? Good. Kick his ass.